Thursday 7 April 2011

I wouldn't like to sit behind a campus girl

I wouldn’t like to sit behind a campus girl.
By Alon Mwesigwa
Lillian likes her garb. She wears low cut jeans and tops exposing enough cleavage. Wherever she passes, her female colleagues look at her beseechingly as if they have something to tell her.
 The male students can’t help it other than get a full dose of optical nutrition. When Lillian sidesteps them in a group of three or four students, they (male students) chitchat in murmurs punctuated by gales of laughter.
Is she bothered at all with the gales of laughter? No, she assertively goes on with her own business.
However, many male students wouldn’t wish to sit behind Lillian when in a lecture. This is because her pants go down and she exposes her under wears which can’t lend a chance to male students to pay attention to what the lecturer is doing.
Lillian is just a portrait of many campus girls. Most of them are so engrossed with low cut jeans and are determined to walk around all the chances there is to get at least one despite some students operating on taut budgets
Low cut jeans however, make them expose their under wears wherever they sit; on boda-bodas, in lectures, in the library and in the compound.  
The question remains begging in the minds of many male students whether they do it by design or it happens inadvertently.
Whereas most freshers (1st years) look classy in their dresses within the first semester at campus, they are mingled into the mock-up and they start to dress in low-cut jeans immediately when the 2nd semester begin.
Bruce, a student at Mak says exposing under wears is part of sexual harassment directed at male students and it has been there for ages but the University has kept mum.
Sharon Atuhaire, a second year student, says she feels derided by her fellows who dress like that.
 “It undercuts our decorum as girls and future parents,” laments Sharon “If I don’t show my knickers, it doesn't erase anything on the way I appear and neither does it add anything.”
Sandra who says low cut jeans are her preeminent mode, insists that it is up to those who wear them to keep pulling them up to ward off embarrassment.
However, some students maintain that Campus is one place people are crazy about fashion. Many students are convinced that dressing is a personal issue and thus, one dresses the way she thinks is the finest.
Raymond who always walks with his camera, wittily vows to start photographing them and post the pictures on facebook.

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