Friday 11 March 2011

Con-men set to milk Mak students dry

Con-men set to milk Mak students dry
By Alon Mwesigwa

Doreen Nagawa, a third year student at Makerere University is uncertain about whether she will be able to complete paying her tuition on time or stand the inconveniences of being denied tests and exams. She has used part of her tuition to pay back her friend's laptop she lost to con-men at the end of last  semester. Scared stiff,she says it will be very hard for her mother to raise this semester's tuition.

Doleful as it is, Doreen's experience is not an isolated one. Many students have tested the wrath of being conned. In a statement issued December 10, by the Divisional police headquarters,Makerere University; shows that a big number
of students have silently been robbed of their properties ranging from tuition, laptops, television sets, and some have been sexually abused.
The O.C Makerere University police post, Mr Tusingwire Julius says the female students are the most vulnerable. Noting that cases of breaking and snatching bags have reduced tremendously, he laments that the issue of con-men is still their biggest challenge. Con-men use all tricks there is to actualise their interests, thus; disguise themselves as to University employees, some claim to be promoting products like Vaseline, some claim to have magical or spiritual powers and
others claim to be able to change exam grades of students or save them of retakes.

"As the semester begins, students need to be extra-alert, be mindful about people that claim to be employees in senate and the transcripts office. students should use the police and report any suspicious persons," begs Mr Julius.

Makerere University, however, has put a group of people in  plain clothings with the help of a group of students to help curb the issue of con-men.

Con-men also kinown as trickstars are not at Makerere  University alone  but also making students in other Universities  have  sleepless nights.

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